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Infertility Options
Infertility Options
Despite the fact that approximately one in seven couples struggles with infertility, every couple is surprised and devastated when it happens to them. fertility has become a major issue. Infertility is when either the man, the woman or both partners are not functioning normally enough to conceive a child. If the man and woman are both healthy and under the age of 34, they shouldn’t have problems conceiving; however, many factors are involved. This can be due to misshapen or otherwise defective sperm or it can also be a problem on the female’s end due to defective eggs or a defective uterus. If either party has suffered from cancer and cancer treatment, he or she will often be left infertile. When couples have problems conceiving it can often cause major emotional stress and blaming for what isn’t either partner’s fault. fertility problems can be easily solved.
The effects of infertility are mostly emotional. You are constantly wondering what you’re doing wrong or what you could have done differently. If you are the only partner inhibiting the ability to conceive, you may feel guilty or inadequate. You may wonder why this is happening to you because you are otherwise healthy. The important thing when struggling with the problem of infertility is to seek help from a fertility therapist or counselor for couples in order to determine the best way to cope with this traumatic predicament. Many couples suffer turmoil in their relationships and can even end the relationship all together because of the emotional stress following a verdict of infertility.
However, this is should never be the case. With the daily increasing advancements of science and medical technology, infertility doesn’t have to be the end of your ability to have children. There are many options available to you. we already know that one in seven couples in the entire country have trouble conceiving.
If you are infertile, IVF may be a solution for you. IVF stands for In vitro fertilization which is a process where eggs cells are fertilized by sperm cells outside of the body. Many IVF facilities offer this procedure for you and your partner at a nominal fee. Once the process is complete, the woman can carry the baby herself for the nine month process, so it will hardly be any different than pregnancy by other means.
If the partner who is infertile is the male of the relationship, the first step is to find a sperm donor. The important thing is to do what you feel most comfortable with and keep an open line of communication with your doctor so you always feel prepared. Your doctor at the IVF facility will understand your concerns and questions since he or she has worked with many couples in the same position before. Also, these are trained professionals that can handle your problem with poise and expertise.
It will be an emotional and stressful period, but you and your partner will be able to get through this and have the family you always wanted.