Conception and Fertility

A Complete Guide to Conception and Fertility

Getting pregnant may not be the hardest part of conception, but it is a topic that both men and women should be knowledgeable about.

Getting Pregnant
Most people in the Jordan and the around the world would like to have a child. For most, this only requires having intercourse at the right time in order to fertilize the egg. For others, fertility problems will get in the way of pregnancy, making it difficult or impossible to conceive a child. People who think that they may have fertility problems should wait at least six months to a year after they being trying to get pregnant before they consult a doctor. This is because that stress and other outside factors can also contribute to getting pregnant.

Causes of Fertility Problems

There are multiple causes for fertility problems in both men and women. In half of the cases, there is a problem with the woman’s reproductive system. The could appears in the uterus or the fallopian tubes. The women could also have a problem with the release of the egg every month.

About 35 percent of fertility problems are caused by the male reproductive system. The most common is a low sperm count or low motility.

Five percent of problems are caused by uncommon conditions such as the man or woman being exposed to a medicine called DES. And the last ten percent of problems with conceiving a child has no known cause that can be tested for.

Definition of Infertility

The term Infertility applies to a couple who are not able to achieve conception in spite of regular unprotected intercourse.

Fertile women have a period of infertility during their menstrual cycle because their fertility period is limited to few days before ovulation and few days after , other than this time they are infertile for the rest of the month .Read More
